Moments Twist of Fate


Rhonda Skinner
Sep 23, 2022
Lake Michigan as the snow begins to melt, Photo by Author

Moments twist of fate
Locked door opened by
A stranger’s eye
Forever the soul’s compass
Direction unknown

The wind caught pages turn
Touch my breath
Fingertips through froth
Clouds dip down
A wild impulse
Falls to the ground

At times intoxicating smile
Whispers across your face
A wave of open possibility
Captured in the sun
Wrinkled with bliss

Slowness a beat

Pines in the forest
Bloom without witness
A rare sight
Not missed by the trees

Wake of fungi
Stream so sweet

Tied together microorganisms
Shift through richness of soil
Loosened by stretching roots

Salted flowers
Covered with dew
Line the path
To ocean’s breeze

Find me there

A time too quick
Petals fall on turning leaves
All that is left is the memory
Of your scent

Graphite turns pages
To moments past

Rhonda Skinner 2022



Rhonda Skinner

Poet, artist, peaceful being, shamanic healing practitioner, lover, friend Instagram deersong.medicine, email,